The SS Down the Hatch appears to be unloading a crate advertising their own good eats in the galley - be sure to explore the dock for more hidden gems...
Just one of the many special effects added for the Kim Possible adventures around Epcot. This one in Germany took a lot of people by surprise that weren't involved in the game...
At the entrance to Liberty Square is a little guard shack. If you look inside you'll find all sorts of goodies that the guard can use, from the candle light to make sure he can see what he's writing in his log book (or whatever he has to fill out) to the power horn and more there are lots of details in this often overlooked building.
After you cross from Discovery Island to Asia you are greated by a drink vendor in a stately little building. The menu is short but the details are all over, from the detailed doorways to the clutter all around the building it sets the mood for the land...
The doorways around the Stave Church in Norway are spectacularly detailed. Be sure to take a close look at them the next time you are walking by, they warrant some extra time to appreciate the detailed craftsmanship.
Near the Studio 1 store it would appear they had a minor painting accident. And trust the Muppets to make sure the can falls just right to coat everything in sight!
If you look close to the trash cans in parts of Animal Kingdom you'll notice the Tree of Life is really made up of animals. Just how many can you spot?
The Columbia Harbour House is a favorite, the atmosphere is terrific. It can eat up tons and tons of guests in the many rooms, each with their own flavor. The upstairs seating is especially nice, and if you can get it the seating in the skyway over the promenade between Fantasyland and Liberty Square over some interesting people watching options.
After a week of out of town emergencies at work I'm back! Eating at the Backlot Express can be an adventure, and it is a good thing the whole place is non-smoking because it could get even more interesting in the shop...