A fun queue gem is the use of interactive features in the queues for both Indiana Jones attractions on either coast. This one can be found at either and the sign says it all! The crew below would rather you not disturb their priceless treasures they are unearthing below but admit it, you just can't quite leave anything alone or follow directions, can you?

Lay off the rope ol' chap. I've got a frightfully valuable artifact down here. ::crash:: I say, I had a frightfully valuable artifact down here...
Highly appropriate with the new film about to be released!
The best part of pulling the rope, are surprising the guests who didn't even realize it was there, who then cannot avoid stopping and pulling on the rope themselves, which surprises more guests, and... well, you get the picture. It is a vicious cycle.
I just feel bad for the chap down there who keeps breaking artifacts.
Ryan showed this to me when we were there in April. This a nice little gag and I can't wait to share it with family in the future.
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